airline meal

  1. cheryl

    Peanuts? No, thanks. Pretzels? I'll pass. Airlines step up vegan, gluten-free meals as travelers get really picky about airplane food

    Peanuts? No, thanks. Pretzels? I'll pass. Airlines step up vegan, gluten-free meals as travelers get really picky about airplane food - CNBC Gluten-free and vegetarian meals have increased in popularity on airlines. Several carriers have already eschewed peanuts and are offering gluten-free...
  2. cheryl

    Just how fresh is the food served in your airline meal?

    Just how fresh is the food served in your airline meal? - Lonely Planet As the flight attendant works their way down the aisle with the trolley bearing your hot dinner at thirty-eight-thousand feet, you might wonder idly: how do meals get on the plane, and how long have they been sitting in the...